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Turning 'What Ifs' Into Success

What is Our Coating Technology?

Our patented coating technology is a bio-based, biodegradable solution that is entirely free of microplastics. This innovative coating system is specifically designed to encapsulate and delay the release of water-sensitive materials, such as calcium nitrate, which have traditionally been challenging to coat effectively. The bio-based coating ensures a consistent and prolonged release of nutrients to plants, withstanding adverse weather conditions and reducing the risk of nutrient leaching.

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Extended Nutrient Release

Extended Nutrient Release: The bio-based coating allows for a slow and steady release of nutrients, providing plants with a continuous supply of essential elements. This extended release ensures optimal plant growth and reduces the need for frequent fertilizer applications.

Simplified Application Process

Simplified Application Process: Our coating technology simplifies the application process for farmers. The controlled-release fertilizers require fewer applications, saving time and labor while ensuring consistent nutrient delivery throughout the growing season.

MVP Coated Calcium Nitrate

Our flagship product, MVP Coated Calcium Nitrate, features our advanced coating technology. This product provides a reliable source of calcium and nitrogen, essential for strong plant growth and development. The coated calcium nitrate ensures extended nutrient availability, even in challenging conditions, and offers a sustainable alternative free of microplastics.

Performance Enhanced Delivery — Turning 'What Ifs' Into Success